Cement & Minerals

Cement & Minerals

Cement & Minerals

DAL APC Suite is a computer-based software application platform for controlling, stabilizing and optimizing industrial processes. Due to its state-of-the-art optimization technologies the software helps you to make the best operational decisions accurately and consistently at all times. Smarta tools provides advanced process techniques, including linear and non-linear model predictive control, fuzzy logic and neural networks.
The cement manufacturing process is a highly energy-intensive process, with many unpredictable disturbances. To manage process, the operators are spending a lot of time, efforts and have to permanently monitor the process very carefully.

Cement Plant Optimization

DAL APC Suite based Process Optimization allows a forward-looking process control that automatically gives a higher throughput while maintaining product quality.

Kiln & Cooler Process Optimization

The goal of the Kiln & Cooler Process Optimization is to increase the quality as well as the efficiency of clinker production. The innovative process control suite is the best solution for Kiln & cooler optimization to stabilize the plant operation.

Customer Benefits

Reduced workload for control personnel
Improvement of product quality
More efficient use/reduction of the energy consumption
Improved lifespan of machinery due to gentler modes of plant operation
Improved lifespan of refractory material used for the kiln lining
Better compliance with exhaust gas regulations and other environmental requirements
Reduction in the number of unscheduled plant downtimes
Enhanced reliability: the optimization system ensures that the plant operates more reliably at all times

Mill Process Optimization

Grinding makes up a big portion of the electrical energy consumed on the plant, thus the efficiency of grinding operations has a big influence on your energy bill. DAL APC Suite optimizes your grinding circuit to increase throughput and secure consistent output quality while lowering energy consumption.
APC Suite can be applied to all the grinding stages that occur on a typical cement plant
Raw material grinding
Coal grinding
Finished cement grinding
Further DAL APC Suite can be used with all the different technologies and grinding circuit configurations applied by cement manufacturers on their grinding units. Presently most common configurations are:
Horizontal Grinding Circuit (Ball Mills)
Vertical Grinding Circuit (VRM)
Hybrid Grinding circuit: Roller-press with a static or dynamic separator followed by a ball mill with a dynamic separator or just simple Roller press circuits (HRP)


Mill load and throughput optimization
Fineness control
More efficient uTemperature control
Handling of mill start-up
Automatic product type switching


Reduced number of mill stops
Increased output
Reduced specific power consumption
Reduced quality variability

Route Optimization

DAL Route Optimization is based on the Model predictive algorithm software. Route optimization makes use of the technologies available in DAL APC suite.
Stable and correct proportioned raw meal is essential for energy efficient clinker/cement production. The chemical, mineralogical and granulometric composition of raw meal considerably influence its burnability and reactivity, which ultimately defines the clinker phases formed in the cement kiln. Moreover, variations in the chemical composition of the raw meal directly affect kiln operation, refractory lining, fuel consumption and clinker quality. In other words, the production of high-quality cement as well as the smooth operation of the kiln and the cooler requires the chemical composition of the raw meal to be kept consistently uniform.
Following modules are available
Route Optimization for raw mill (Raw Mix optimization module) reduces and controls short-term fluctuations to the target values by controlling the dosage of raw meal additives to the raw mill feed.
Route Optimization for Cement mill (Cement optimization module) reduces and controls short-term fluctuations to the target values by controlling the dosage of cement mill additives to the cement mill feed to optimize SO3, LOI and support the Cement Strength.


Mix control with laboratory samples and/or online analyzers
Optimization of material costs
Maximization of additives in finished cement


Reduced fluctuations in blended material composition
Reduced material costs
Improved kiln operation due more homogeneous raw material